Please show your support for the Okanagan Greens Society and our community outreach by donating today! You can donate any amount on-line with Paypal - click on the 'Donations to OGS' link in the right hand menu. Or you can visit us in person at our next event:
April 22 is Earth Day – To celebrate Earth Day 2012 we will be at Choices Market, 1937 Spall Road, Kelowna on Sunday April 22, 2012 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. Come enjoy a local BBQ with Black Creek Ranch grass fed beef and so much more! All proceeds raised are supporting the Okanagan Greens Society and the growth of our community outreach including the 7th Annual Organic Okanagan Festival! We will be on hand with Earth Day fun for the kids and Choices has organized lots of free samples and draw prizes